Perfect Hands Golf

How It Works


Connecting The Mind & Body To Work Together
Throughout The Entire Golf Swing

When training with Perfect Hands Golf, a golfer will naturally feel a higher level of body connectivity while swinging their golf clubs. This allows your mind to quickly capture the feeling of a "Tour Player" level swing. Perfect Hands Golfs allows golfers to create a repetitive on-plane golf swing every time, without restricting their body's natural range of motion.

What's Included

PHG Glove

Constructed with highly durable fabric & featuring a proprietary internal floating strap to prevent rips/tears, the PHG glove is designed to last.

PHG Belt

With every movement, kinetic energy is transferred into the belt in the form of heat, which is captured by the synthetic rubber that lines the inside of the entire belt. This heat will allow your core muscles to fire at a higher level throughout the golf swing, allowing your other muscles to become engaged much quicker as well, helping to prevent injuries & reduce muscle fatigue.

4 Acceleration Bands

By attaching the Acceleration Bands to different D-Rings on the PHG Glove, you can consistently train for distance and swing speed while also correcting a slice, hook, or reinforcing an on-plane swing.

Attach To The D-Ring Below Your Pointer/Index Finger To

Correct A Slice

By connecting the acceleration band to the D-Ring below the pointer/index finger, the PHG Glove will prevent leaving the club face wide open, while also preventing "coming over the top" in your downswing by keeping your arms, wrist, and hands close to your body.

This promotes an on-plane swing every time.

Through repetition and muscle memory using the Perfect Hands Golf unit, you will notice your ball flight become consistently straighter in a short amount of time!

Attach To The D-Ring Below Your Pinky Finger To

Correct A Hook

By connecting the acceleration band to the D-Ring below the pinky finger, the PHG Glove will prevent flipping your wrist by comfortably & safely delaying your wrist and hands from turning over too soon. This also prevents coming in "shallow" in your down swing by bringing your arms, wrist, and hands completely through your initial point of address.

This promotes an on-plane swing every time.

Through repetition and muscle memory using the Perfect Hands Golf unit, you will notice your ball flight become consistently straighter in a short amount of time!

Connect to the D-Ring Below the Middle Finger To


If you have no control issues, you will attach the acceleration band to the D-Ring below your middle finger. From here, you will be focusing on gaining distance specific to your body's natural range of motion.

The Perfect Hands Golf glove is designed to fit any golfer from juniors up to Men's Cadet; no matter what level you're at, you can gain distance off the tee with Perfect Hands Golf guaranteed.

Perfect Hands Golf Belt

  • Connects to the Acceleration Bands
  • Ergonomically correct which promotes proper posture throughout the golf swing
  • High quality fabric for comfort and durability
  • Inside of belt is completely lined with synthetic rubber for increased core connectivity and to prevent sliding
  • Universal for Left-Handed & Right-Handed Golfers
Perfect Hands Golf

4 Acceleration Bands

  • Safely increases range of motion resulting in more width in your backswing
  • Creates overspeed training while staying on-plane throughout the downswing
  • Promotes consistent tempo throughout your golf swing
  • Immediately generates more clubhead speed resulting in more distance on every shot
Perfect Hands Golf As

A Complete Unit

  • Universal for everyone (beginners, weekend warriors, amateurs, pro's)
  • Due to mind & body working in sync, connectivity is improved resulting in enhanced muscle memory
  • Comfortably promotes an on-plane swing working with your body's natural range of motion
  • Promotes increased hip rotation, leading to further engagement of the glutes & hamstrings
  • Guarantees a minimum increase of 8-10mph of clubhead speed, while staying on-plane, within 4-6 weeks of recommended training